
HM Favs: Morning Routines

They say it’s the things you do repeatedly that really make an impact on your life! Here are some of the things I’m implementing in my morning routines!

Hello hello welcome back to the HMP blog in this new year!! I have so many exciting new things up my sleeve, especially for the first part of 2020! I’m really looking forward to sharing them with you all, especially because blogging more was one of my 2020 resolutions!

So here is round two of our new series! If you want to see my last posts you can right here. This is a new little thing that I am pumped about. I’ve had this nugget of an idea in my head for months now but hi here I am finally doing it! 

So when I deliver galleries to my beautiful adorable couples, I have a folder first called “HM Favs”. These are the photos that are near and dear to my heart and simply my favorite!

This little series will be simply my favorite things in my life currently that I just love so much I want to share with you! Pretty much exactly like me loving my couples so much I have to share them with you too! 🙂 

Morning Routines

One of my personal goals (which I never wrote about, maybe I should? You tell me) was to get into routines more. Haily Wynn is a local calligrapher + florist I’ve been following for a bit and she is an ICON when it comes to routines!! She inspired me to really get on it this year. There was a Forbes article she shared (you can read it here!) was what really drove it home for me! 

It talked about how the things you do infrequently are usually inconsequential on your wellbeing. That’s a good thing when you’re making mistakes – no biggie right? But same goes for the good things you do once and a while. Like if you go running like once (hi, me!) it also won’t affect you at all.

SO it’s the things you do repeatedly that really make an impact on your life! Here are some of the things I’m implementing in my morning routine (starting with baby steps!) to help me stay consistent!!

My new pour over pot!!

I LOVE THIS LIL BB MORE THAN ANYTHING!! AJ got it for me for Christmas and it is the sweetest gift I’ve ever received. He heard me griping about how my heb coffee is always so meh and wanted to make my mornings better! 🙂 🙂 

First – it makes a huge pot of coffee! Before I was just using a little plastic Melida pour over straight into a mug. With this beauty I can have seconds YAY! 

Also since I’ve been sick I found it works perfect for steeping tea too!! It’s got a little top that’s too cute. 

Second – it’s so dang pretty and little and compact. It has been so nice in the mornings to turn the kettle on and set up my little pour over pot (then move on to #2!) each and every morning. It’s therapeutic! 

I believe he got it at Anderson’s Coffee (the best coffee in Austin!!!) but here’s a link from the Melida site! 

Gratitude Journal

I can’t remember where I learned it but I know it to be true! When you write down three things you’re thankful for each day it trains your brain to look at the positives in all situations instead of being a Negative Nancy. 

I’ll either do this in this happiness journal I got a while back! One of those many many journals I’ve gotten and it’s half blank 🙂 I also have a self care one that’s more of a check-in! If I’m feeling more emotional vs productive that day, I’ll use the self care one! 

Honestly sometimes I’ll just jot them down in my planner too! It’s a good exercise I used to do all the time and I want to make it a priority! 

Care Of

I was so in love with this company when they first started! The vitamins are affordable, you can change the frequency or put off a box if you fall behind (me, always). They tell you the research behind each vitamin, and if you’re open to more eastern medicine they show you options too!

I did always feel wasteful it being individually wrapped. But now the little packets are compostable which was one of the reasons I stopped using it! But now I’ve hopped back on! 

You take a quiz and tell them what’s important to you or what you’re trying to help. Right now I’m taking magnesium, B-complex, rhodiola, and Vitamin-c!

If you use this link here I get a little kick back on my vitamins and you get $40 off your vitamins (which is like more than a whole month for me!) so it’s a win win, ya see? 

Glossier Vitamin C Serum Super Glow

Vitamin-C Serum

Last but not least, one of my favorite little goodies! I could go on and on about Glossier but I’ll stick to just this one for right now.

One of my personal goals was to wash my face in the mornings (I’m usually really good about the evenings!) My skin is the kind where it loves a good regimen but if you skip just one little step ONE time it gets angry at me for like 2 weeks.

Speaking of a regimen – Glossier is the only one that seems to really work consistently for me! So as sort of an incentive and reminder, I got this new serum to throw in the mix and so far I LOVE it!! When I feel lazy and don’t want to wait for the water to get hot I remember WAIT I get to use this stuff and be all glowy and dewy!! See how my brain works?

Plus a side note would be I’m trying to get my face to be wonderful and the best it can be for the wedding so…! I’m hoping this stuff will help with that ~bridal glow~ I’m goin for! 🙂

Your turn!

Tell me what routines you have! Have you started any new routines in 2020? Tell me in the comments below! 🙂

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