
HMP Fall Update!

Hellooo, it’s Holly calling from beyond…aka busy season!!

Things have been bonkers and I’ve been a little M.I.A. around here! There have even been weeks that I’ve been silent, and for that I’m sorry!

Here’s a little catch up on what’s been going on in the HMP world!

Mini Sessions

For the first time this fall, we’ve launched mini sessions for families and friends! We get asked if we do families all year long, so I decided to start opening them up! I am considering doing them in the spring as well as the fall. Those bluebonnets are too good to miss! 

Let’s Cut the Cake on Hold

We’ve been making small decisions here and there, but for the most part we’ve put wedding planning on the back burner while things have been so crazy! Luckily Ashley has been keeping us steady on course.

We’re getting past the big vendor decisions and into the smaller, detail planning which has been a mental shift for me. I’m excited to share all those details though! 

I’m not going to put an official ~off hiatus~ date for LCC, but instead just wait for actual wedding planning for us to resume! Like I’ve always said about this series, I want to be completely upfront with all the planning. I’ve talked about the stress, the hiccups, the overwhelm, the good and the bad. So when I’ve got things to share, I’ll share my friends! 🙂 

Questions Every Engaged Couple Should Ask their Photographer

HM duo update

AJ is currently in Singapore! What what!!! It’s certainly been a wild ride since he started this new job back in June. This company is a bit smaller and the product he’s working on is new. He’s been back and forth to San Francisco (where the company is headquartered) and has trips planned for Chicago and NYC. 

Neither of us thought that international travel would be in either of our futures, especially not for work! It’s definitely been difficult for us, trying to navigate this new work/life balance. Not to mention we’ve been basically glued to the hip since we graduated from long distance and moved in together back in 2016. So being alone, even for 10 days is a huge adjustment for me. Like I’ve said before, I’m a baby when it comes to that.

Good news is we’re more than halfway through his trip so we’ll be reunited soon! I know Turbo misses him so bad too.

HM Newsletter Update

I launched our newsletter earlier this year, with the goal of providing wedding tips and insider info on all things photo and HMP! Needless to say (especially if you’re on the list!) with busy season has come less emails. 

When we launched our mini sessions, we got completely booked up from people in the HMP club off the bat! So if you’re looking forward to new offerings, new info and updates on us you should sign up! I’ll be getting more consistent with our newsletters after our busy season!

Big Changes a Comin’

In February 2020 we’ll be launching a whole lot of new things that I’m really excited about!! 

I made the decision that after three years in business full time, it was time to really establish myself and my message in order to give HMP the legs to go the long haul! I’ve been feeling so confident lately about what we provide for our couples and who I want to reach and serve. I also have so many new things I want to start providing and launch, so I’m excited lay this foundation for all of it!

Things are just now gearing up for it and I’m stoked to see how it all comes together!! 

That’s all for updates!! Thank you all for coming along on this winding road journey. I wouldn’t be anywhere without your support and kindness. I look forward to all the things to come in the next few months and the new year!



  1. […] posted a wedding planning update in 3 months!? That may be either because it’s been crazy busy season around here. It may also be because we have totally put wedding planning on the back burner when it comes to […]

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